jueves, 23 de diciembre de 2010


Estimados todos, les incluyo acá un aporte de Gerardo Lázaro, ICT Consultant, sobre las actividades que la biblioteca de primaria puede poner en práctica con la finalidad de enseñar a los pequeños usuarios a usar sus recursos y servicios. Este es el vínculo.
Acá copio gran parte del material, pero los enlaces solo se ven en la web antes señalada, con videos y todo.
General Library Curriculum
• NYC Department of Education's Information Fluency Continuum
• K-5 Integrated Curriculum Library Connections
• Jordan School District K-6 Library Curriculum
• Howard County Public School's Elementary Library Media Essential Curriculum (Last updated 8/2002) anything more current?
• ALA's Fun Activities @Your Library Fun and engaging activities designed to help you promote your library and engage youngsters at the same time! The contest, game, and scavenger hunt documents can be easily customized to suit your needs/library.
• Baltimore County Public School's Library Media Scope & Sequence (archived) K-12 "The Scope and Sequence outlines what students are to learn and be able to do and are based on the Maryland Learning Outcomes and the Baltimore County Public Schools Essential Curriculum. Indicators are arranged by grade level and note when information literacy skills are to be introduced, reinforced, and mastered. The following are essential guides in planning your library media instructional program and collaborating with teachers. It is suggested that you print the outlines by grade level for your own purposes. Also, share with teachers the outline specific to their grade level so that they know what information literacy skills you will be teaching to their classes."
• Elementary Library Resources Granite School District Library Media
• Jefferson County Public School's Library Media Lessons
• Hanover County Public School's Library Plan Book K-8 lesson plans to complement the Hanover County Library Media Curriculum.
• K-6 Library Media Lessons
• Library Lesson Plans
• 21st Century Literacies "The 21st Century Literacies Curriculum presents the process and essential skills for embedding information literacy strategies across all areas of the curriculum. The curriculum seeks to promote the skills, knowledge and attitudes to help students develop effective lifelong information awareness, seeking, management and presentation strategies. Information Literacy Standards referenced in each student lesson are from the American Library Association and Association for Educational Communications and Technology."
• North Carolina Information Skills curriculum (to be replaced by new Essential Standards that integrate information skills & technology). Includes strategies for each competency in the curriculum.
• New North Carolina K-5 Essential Standards for Information & Technology; based on Bloom's Revised Taxonomy.
• Waltham's Library Teachers' Wiki
• Buckland Mills Elementary School Library CurriculumK-5 Lessons, Songs, Posters, Reading Lists, & more.
• LM_NET Wiki Best Lessons Page School Librarians share their best lessons here in any format.
• Standards for the 21st-Century Learner - AASL - "Standards for the 21st-Century Learner offer vision for teaching and learning to both guide and beckon our profession as education leaders. They will both shape the library program and serve as a tool for school librarians to use to shape the learning of students in the school."
• Digital Information Fluency Model - 21st Century Fluency Project (21CIF)
• Dewey Lessons
• Elementary Librarian Ideas
• Elementary Lesson Plans
• Librarian Plans Book
• Library Instruction Lessons from FCPS Librarians
• Building Schoolwide Literacy With Free Web 2.0 Tools- This Grade By Grade Elementary Model by TeachersFirst also includes a customizable student/parent permission form (Word doc) for use of these web 2.0 tools in elementary.
• ABC Order in the Library
• Dewey Decimals
• Using a Newspaper
Collaborative Lessons
• 6th Grade Biography Unit LMT teamed with 6th grade English teachers and redesigned the 6th grade Biography Unit to make it more exciting and dynamic! Rather than sitting through another biography report about Babe Ruth or Harriet Tubman they decided to take a different slant. Where the kid would choose a FICTION book, read it, then create a brochure with biographical information about the AUTHOR!
Book Reviews (by students)
Each year in the spring, I do a fun activity with my 5th graders, the oldest students in the building. I preface the activity by telling them that, after 6 years in the school, they are the resident "experts" on the library. They, of all students, know what is in the collection. So I tell them that I need some help. I collect a variety of examples of "ugly" books from the collection. Some are classics that need to be replaced, some are old crusty books that haven't circulated in a long time and that probably need to be weeded, etc. Then I assign them an ugly book review to do. Because I see students only 20-30 min/week (including checkout time), I kept the review form very, very simple.
My goals are: 1) to encourage students to stretch a bit and read something that they normally wouldn't choose to pick up (most of the time they like the book they read), and 2) to locate books that either need to be replaced or weeded.
Some of my ELA teachers work with me and embrace this activity as part of their curriculum...some don't. One of the 5th grade teachers has her students do audio or video reviews of their book, which is great! It's a fun activity for the students at any rate--some of them want to do 2-3 book reviews! (jamie camp)
Ugly Book Report
• iBookTalks - We were inspired by Nancy Keane's BookTalks Quick and Simple 4th grade projects were Extended Learning opportunities. Each year 3rd and 4th graders have the opportunity to listen to their own selection of iBookTalks on laptops using headphones as part of their Media Center time. (Kathy Kaldenberg, Solon Community School District)
Information Literacy Lessons
• Credible Sources Count--- an excellent tutorial for students to help them critically analyze websites.
• Dewey Decimal Raps Students used Wordle to illustrate DDC categories. We wrote a rap for each 100s series, which students recorded using Garage Band. I then put the images and audio together to make a QuickTime movie. The students absolutely love these and watch them over and over, even at home. Parents have told me they hear their students singing the rap to themselves.
• Online Safety Rap Our students love NetSmartzkids.org. I noticed that lyrics were included so I contacted NetSmartz and asked if we could record our own raps using copyright friendly music and our own illustrations. We used Soundzabound (a subscription service), PhotoBooth and GarageBand. The kids loved taking their own distorted pictures with PhotoBooth and recording the raps. They go to our web page to watch them on their home computers. (Kathy Kaldenberg, Solon Community School District)
• Looking at Researchable Questions
Library Games (used in computer centers)
• Order in the Library 4.0 Play games to learn how to sort books in the library AND earn a Library Assistant certificate!
• Interactive Quizzes - Library Science Activities for grades K-5 by Tami Maloney
• Study Stack . Here is my Library Word Wall Scramble, with wooden scrabble tiles! Even reluctant students have asked me if we can "do that scrabble game" again. We have also used Study Stack files to download onto iPod Touches into the TouchCards app, and students can review the words as flashcards. You can also do matching, crosswords, hangman, and bug chase. I project this onto my SmartBoard and kids go up to the board to move the letter tiles around, but it could be used at computer centers. (Regina Hartley)
Library Skills through Literature
• Toni Buzzeo's The Library Doors She provides Library Curriculum, songs, hand gestures, parts of a book PPT and more!
• Toni Buzzeo's Our Librarian Won't Tell Us Anything! Download FREE Curriculum guide & Reader's Theater Script.
• PowerPoint Activities
Poetry Resources
• Poems about Books and Reading from ReadingLady.com
• Holiday Fall & Winter Poetry
• If I Were a Poem (under Summer activities, but these are great year round)
• Funny Poetry for Children
• Poetry for a YearBe sure to scroll down this nice, long list of complete poems to find the two Poetry Booklets you can print off for your students. These are wonderful.
• Kid's Poetry Page - Great interactive activity - online "magnetic" poetry
• Giggle Poetry - Fun poetry guaranteed to make your students laugh
• Fern's Poetry Club - from PBS; Read Today's poem, write a poem, learn about different style of poems
• Max's Math Adventures - from Scholastic; K-2 games that combine poetry and real world math problems
• Instant Poetry Forms - from ETTC; Choose from the instant poetry forms and then add words to form your own poem
• Poetry podcasts Our kids love the poetry of Ken Nesbitt (Poetry4kids.com). We asked for permission to record and illustrate his poems and he said yes. (He even responded with feedback when we sent him this link). Students used GarageBand to create an enhanced podcast with images and audio. We have used these with other students during National Poetry Month. Copyright friendly resources were used. (Clipart.com for schools and Soundzabound) (Kathy Kaldenberg, Solon Community School District)
Readers Theater
Other Library/Reading Resources
• Resources for School Librarians
• Teaching Tools resources from The Reading Lady Website are too good to miss!
• Collaboration Planning & Teaching Log (PDF) by Carl A. Harvey II Library Media Connection, November/December 2008.
• Reading Rockets Classroom Strategies Contains a chart that lists all of the reading strategies currently their library, with guidance on when to use each strategy. It allows you to see right away if a particular strategy should be used before, during, and/or after reading.
• Vocabulary Activities from Free Reading- Lessons are set up like Text Talk Lessons.
• Stellaluna Comparing Birds and Bats

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