Ahora que en la biblioteca tenemos varios títulos de esta notable autora, ponemos al alcance de nuestros amables lectores esta entrevista de Eleanor Morgan para The Observer de la fecha.
This much I know: Jacqueline Wilson
The author, 66, on lusting after rings, having no interest in food and the 15,000 books in her house
Jacqueline Wilson: 'My biggest fear is
sharks. I once tried to cure myself by standing in front of the shark
tank at the London Aquarium.' Photograph: Suki Dhanda for the Observer.
My job is not just to write about what I think will interest children, but
to touch on tricky subjects they may have to confront in their lives.
Over the years people have implied that I'm not responsible in the way I
write, that I'm deliberately going round upsetting children, but my
responsibility is to help to gently open their minds.
My phobia is fish. I don't know where it came from. My biggest fear is sharks. I once tried to cure myself by standing in front of the shark tank at the London Aquarium for an hour.
I get up very early to write. It's the first thing I do. I start with a notebook and then move to the computer after breakfast. Sometimes I feel like my own secretary, taking minutes of the things that play out in my head.
There's a difference between solitary and lonely. I was an only child, but I was tremendously happy being left to my own devices. As an adult I'm the same. I can't be around people for too long.
I didn't intend to have an only child myself. I pictured myself as an earth mother in Laura Ashley with a baby on my hip and toddlers clutching at my knees. Sadly it didn't work out, but my daughter Emma is fantastic.
When something hits you out of the blue, like the breakdown of your marriage, you either decide it's going to stay with you for the rest of your life or you're going to turn it into some sort of benefit. That's what I tried to do. It was a very raw time, but I had great friends who sent me books and chocolate and wine and said things like: "Who needs men?"
I like being known as the writer who wears lots of rings. It's sort of flamboyant, a throwback to the 70s. When I was a little girl I lusted after them, but my mother said it wasn't very feminine. Now if the children I meet are very good I let them try them on.
I have bookshelves in every room. I have more than 15,000 books spilling all over my house – and I've already bought more this morning.
My health is currently in a holding situation. I have problems with my heart [she was diagnosed with heart failure in 2008] and my kidneys, but I'm not needing any specific treatment so I'm hoping I can carry on a bit longer.
I hate cooking. I have no interest in food. Sometimes a friend will cook for me, but otherwise I'm happy just to manage with bread and fruit and cheese.
My life has turned out better than I'd hoped. When I was 40 I felt an education was missing, so I did an A level in English. Now I've got this handful of honorary doctorates, which is very jolly indeed.
I have not changed a great deal from my wistful teenage diaries. I left home at 17 to work for a magazine called Jackie and I got married when I was 19, but the thing that has stayed with me is writing. I have been writing since I was six. In some ways nothing has changed. I'm just that little bit more confident.
Jacqueline Wilson is one of eight children's authors releasing a new £1 book for World Book Day on 1 March, available for free with a World Book Day £1 Book Token (worldbookday.com)
My phobia is fish. I don't know where it came from. My biggest fear is sharks. I once tried to cure myself by standing in front of the shark tank at the London Aquarium for an hour.
I get up very early to write. It's the first thing I do. I start with a notebook and then move to the computer after breakfast. Sometimes I feel like my own secretary, taking minutes of the things that play out in my head.
There's a difference between solitary and lonely. I was an only child, but I was tremendously happy being left to my own devices. As an adult I'm the same. I can't be around people for too long.
I didn't intend to have an only child myself. I pictured myself as an earth mother in Laura Ashley with a baby on my hip and toddlers clutching at my knees. Sadly it didn't work out, but my daughter Emma is fantastic.
When something hits you out of the blue, like the breakdown of your marriage, you either decide it's going to stay with you for the rest of your life or you're going to turn it into some sort of benefit. That's what I tried to do. It was a very raw time, but I had great friends who sent me books and chocolate and wine and said things like: "Who needs men?"
I like being known as the writer who wears lots of rings. It's sort of flamboyant, a throwback to the 70s. When I was a little girl I lusted after them, but my mother said it wasn't very feminine. Now if the children I meet are very good I let them try them on.
I have bookshelves in every room. I have more than 15,000 books spilling all over my house – and I've already bought more this morning.
My health is currently in a holding situation. I have problems with my heart [she was diagnosed with heart failure in 2008] and my kidneys, but I'm not needing any specific treatment so I'm hoping I can carry on a bit longer.
I hate cooking. I have no interest in food. Sometimes a friend will cook for me, but otherwise I'm happy just to manage with bread and fruit and cheese.
My life has turned out better than I'd hoped. When I was 40 I felt an education was missing, so I did an A level in English. Now I've got this handful of honorary doctorates, which is very jolly indeed.
I have not changed a great deal from my wistful teenage diaries. I left home at 17 to work for a magazine called Jackie and I got married when I was 19, but the thing that has stayed with me is writing. I have been writing since I was six. In some ways nothing has changed. I'm just that little bit more confident.
Jacqueline Wilson is one of eight children's authors releasing a new £1 book for World Book Day on 1 March, available for free with a World Book Day £1 Book Token (worldbookday.com)
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